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Writer's pictureJoey Fabozzi

Waretown is Planning to Unconstitutionally Invade Resident's Homes Under the Guise of Reassessment

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

The Waretown Township Committee claims it needs "Special emergency appropriations" in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the "preparation and execution" of their reassessment program. Ken Baulderstone, Ben Loparo, and Lydia Dodd want to use two hundred and fifty thousand of our tax dollars to "prepare and execute" a program that violates our' 4th Amendment Rights and raise our taxes.

Ordering any government official to enter your home without probable cause or a search warrant is a direct violation of the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Keep an eye on the Reassessment Officials when they are inside your home. As Sopranos fans know Paulie Walnuts sniffed Andrea's underware while he was checking Christopher's house for drugs.

Power Corrupts

The Last time a Waretown Zoning Official was at my house Dan from Zoning and Cliff from the Water Department told me my tent was illegal, but if I sold the tent to Cliff from the Water Department for dirt cheap Dan would not fine me. The allegedly illegal tent has been sitting at Cliff's house since 2004. Why was the tent illegal at my house, but leagal at Cliff from the Water Departments house?

The last time Waretown sent a Reassessment Official to my house, they sent a gay man. The Gay Reassessment Official stayed a little to long watching my dog Luigi play with his ball. I was getting annoyed, but I was still a Federal Employee at the time so I was afraid to ask the Reassessment Official to leave.

Then the gay Reassessment Official asked me out on a date.

I told the Reassessment Official, "I am not gay. I really like girls especially their smiles and their company".

The Reassessment Official asked me, "Are you sure?".

I sad, "Yes."

Then he left.

Yes I am a hypocrite!!! If the Reassessment Official was an attractive female I would have been very happy.

Here is a video of Luigi with his ball:

Be careful when you let the Reassessment Officials into your home.

If the Reassessment Officials try to strong arm any of your property away from you call the Waretown Police IMMEDIATELY.

If the Reassessment Officials make any unwanted sexual advances call the Waretown Police IMMEDIATELY.

Some people might ask why I am bringing up crimes that happened to me over 19 years ago? The theft of my tent, and the Gay Reassessment Official making unwanted sexual advances actually happened to me in my life time.

African Americans are still bringing up slavery which ended 158 years ago on December 6, 1865. Jewish people still bring up the Holocaust which ended 78 years ago on May 8, 1945. Slavery and the Holocaust should be talked about frequently, so it NEVER happens again. What happened to me should be talked about frequently so it NEVER happens again.

It is extremely important to talk about all crimes a Government perpetrates upon its Citizens past and present. Today Waretown is sending Reassessment Officials into your house without probable cause or a search warrant. If the Waretown Township Committee is able to blatantly get away with violating the 4th Amendment today, then who knows what they will try to get away with tomorrow? Maybe they will reassign your children's gender without your consent.

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