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Writer's pictureJoey Fabozzi

Iconic Fish Market Forced Out of Waretown Due to Alleged "Zoning Issues"

By Joseph F Fabozzi

November 2, 2023 9:59PM

Photo Source:

Ahearn's Seafood located at 158 Wells Mills Rd in Waretown boasts on their website

Welcome to Ahearn's Seafood Market, for more than 50 years we have brought you the freshest seafood available. We strive to carry a variety of fish, many of which come straight from the boat and are never frozen. We also have a large variety of frozen items like our king crab, octopus, or coconut shrimp. Our store also makes prepared items daily such as our ahi tuna plates, salmon pinwheels, stuffed flounder or Chef Fawns famous lobster mac and cheese. Our full list of items can be found by clicking the links to the left. Feel free to visit us in our store or call 1-609-693-3486 to place an order. Thank you!

This post from Lacey Chatter states that Waretown's Zoning Department is forcing the iconic Seafood Market established in 1965 to close its doors on November 18, 2023.

Another post claims that I am wrong

I have a Triple Hearsay screenshot from Michele Sierchio who most likely cut and paste a quote from Jim Keady owner of the Lighthouse Tavern in Waretown.

The masses have voiced their disappointment reference the iconic fish market suddenly having "Zoning Problems" after 58 years of doing business in Waretown .

Many have alluded to the "Zoning Problems" being a guise to cover up something much more nefarious going on behind the scenes in Waretown's Local Government.

I believe Waretown manipulated the owners of Ahearn's so the town can buy the property an complete the Volunteer Way project they been talking about for 20 years.

There were plenty of nostalgic comments touching on how much Ahearn's was loved and will be missed.

Waretown's Township Committee is:

Mayor, Ken Baulderstone

Deputy Mayor, Lydia Dodd

Committeeman, Ben LoParo

Business Administrator/Municipal Clerk, Diane B. Ambrosio

Other wise known as the Amigos pictured above.

Waretown's Planning Board is:

Name Position Term Exp.

Donald Lippincott, Jr Chairman/Class 2 3yr 12/31/23

Aaron Shapiro Vice Chair/Class 4 4yr 12/31/24

Shawn Denning Class 4 4yr 12/31/26

Nick Bonamassa Class 4 4yr 12/31/23

John Petrosilli Class 4 4yr 12/31/23

Peter A. Nese Class 4 4yr 12/31/23

Robert Beck Class 4 4yr 12/31/24

Ben LoParo Class 3 1yr 12/31/23

Ken Baulderstone Class 1 1yr 12/31/23

Anthony Decondo Alternate #1 2yr 12/31/23

Ralph Dawes Alternate #2 2yr 12/31/24

Laurie Clune Secretary 12/31/23

Diane Ambrosio Alt. Secretary 12/31/23

We are all guilty of letting Ahearn's and Wawa get forced out of Waretown. It is our job as citizens to run for the Township Committee and Planning Board. We can't have a town where on group, the Waretown Republican Club, controls every facet of government.

I have experienced Waretown's corruption 1st hand many times. In 2004 I bought my home in Waretown. Dan from zoning told me the tent in the video below was illegal, but if I sold it to his friend Cliff from the Water Department for $100 he would not fine me $2,000. Cliff came to my house with a water department truck and employees. They took the tent to Cliff's house. Then, tent magically became legal at Cliff's house and has been sitting there ever since. It has been my mission ever since Dan and Cliff stole my tent to expose Waretown's corrupt local government.

This is what happens when you do not stand up to tyranny. In 1993 Zoning bullied my father and would not let him do anything he wanted to do in his house. In 2004 Dan and Cliff stole my tent. In 2023 if Waretown wants your land they make up some "Zoning Issues" and take it which I believe is what happened to Ahearn's. I joined the United States Marine Corps when I was 17 years old. I took an oath. l will protect The United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic. I urge all of you to do the same.

Waretown has been stealing property as long as I have lived here (1993). Listen to this excerpt from Marjorie Parise's book "Why I went to Prison Living in Chris Christie's New Jersey". Waretown failed her inspections and played games with zoning with the intent of stealing her property and giving it to members of the Waretown Republican Club. My goal is to get all these Corrupt Piney's out of office.

At the closing of the property, the Wojciechowski’s signed the paperwork and before the ink was dry, Van Pelt walked out of a back room and the property was signed over to the township instantly. Sound like collusion to you? More to follow on the Wohciechowski’s.

Source: Parise, Marjorie (2016-11-02T23:58:59.000). Why I Went to Prison: Living in a Chris Christie's New Jersey . RoseDog Books. Kindle Edition.

You can buy Marjoie's book at this link:

Here is some satire and videos I made about corruption and incompetence in Waretown and Ocean County.

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